Ledige stillinger / Current positions

Ledige job

Vi søger altid dygtige talenter indenfor rengøring, da vi er en virksomhed i rivende udvikling. Du skal derfor altid være velkommen til at søge job hos os.

Ledige stillinger hos SRS Multiservice p.t.:

Handymand / handykvinde søges.

Ferieafløsere til sommerhusrengøring – Vi søger løbende.

Vinduespudser søges – Fleksibel fuldtidsstilling.

Rengøringsassistent søges til privat rengøring – Fuldtid eller Deltid.

Send os en ansøgning på srservice@srsmultiservice.dk med følgende oplysninger

    • Navn
    • Bopæl
    • Telefonnummer
    • Alder
    • Antal timer du søger om ugen
    • Hvilket tidspunkt du ønsker at arbejde på
    • Erfaring på området
    • En beskrivelse af dig selv og dit familie/fritidsliv
    • Hvorfor du mener du er den helt rigtige kollega i SRS Multiservice
    • Din e-mail adresse

Du skal kunne kommunikere på dansk og/eller engelsk, og kunne fremvise straffeattest!

Det er en fordel at have kørekort og hvis du også i perioder kan arbejde i weekender.

Vi vil herefter kontakte dig snarest muligt.

Job Openings

We are always looking for talented individuals in cleaning, as we are a rapidly growing company. You are always welcome to apply for a job with us.

Current job openings at SRS Multiservice:

Cleaning assistant – wanted for house cleaning tasks – Full-time or Part-time cleaning position.

Window cleaning employee wanted – Flexible full-time position.

Temporary staff to clean vacation homes – Interviews held throughout the year.

Handy-man /Handy-woman Employee wanted.

Send us an application at srservice@srsmultiservice.dk with the following information:

    • Name
    • Address
    • Phone number
    • Age
    • Number of hours you wish to work per week
    • Preferred working hours
    • Experience in the field
    • A description of yourself and your family/life outside work
    • Why you believe you would be the perfect colleague at SRS Multiservice
    • Your email address


You must be able to communicate in Danish and/or English and provide a criminal record certificate!

Having a driver’s license is an advantage, and it’s a plus if you are occasionally available to work on weekends.

We will get back to you as soon as possible.


Ledige job

Vi søger altid dygtige talenter indenfor rengøring, da vi er en virksomhed i rivende udvikling. Du skal derfor altid være velkommen til at søge job hos os.

Ledige stillinger hos SRS Multiservice p.t.:

Handymand / handykvinde søges.

Ferieafløsere til sommerhusrengøring – Vi søger løbende.

Vinduespudser søges – Fleksibel fuldtidsstilling.

Rengøringsassistent søges til privat rengøring – Fuldtid eller Deltid.

Send os en ansøgning på srservice@srsmultiservice.dk med følgende oplysninger

    • Navn
    • Bopæl
    • Telefonnummer
    • Alder
    • Antal timer du søger om ugen
    • Hvilket tidspunkt du ønsker at arbejde på
    • Erfaring på området
    • En beskrivelse af dig selv og dit familie/fritidsliv
    • Hvorfor du mener du er den helt rigtige kollega i SRS Multiservice
    • Din e-mail adresse

Du skal kunne kommunikere på dansk og/eller engelsk, og kunne fremvise straffeattest!

Det er en fordel at have kørekort og hvis du også i perioder kan arbejde i weekender.

Vi vil herefter kontakte dig snarest muligt.


Job Openings

We are always looking for talented individuals in cleaning, as we are a rapidly growing company. You are always welcome to apply for a job with us.

Current job openings at SRS Multiservice:

Cleaning assistant – wanted for house cleaning tasks – Full-time or Part-time cleaning position.

Window cleaning employee wanted – Flexible full-time position.

Temporary staff to clean vacation homes – Interviews held throughout the year.

Handy-man /Handy-woman Employee wanted.

Send us an application at srservice@srsmultiservice.dk with the following information:

    • Name
    • Address
    • Phone number
    • Age
    • Number of hours you wish to work per week
    • Preferred working hours
    • Experience in the field
    • A description of yourself and your family/life outside work
    • Why you believe you would be the perfect colleague at SRS Multiservice
    • Your email address


You must be able to communicate in Danish and/or English and provide a criminal record certificate!

Having a driver’s license is an advantage, and it’s a plus if you are occasionally available to work on weekends.

We will get back to you as soon as possible.

SRS Multiservice ApS © 2025 • Gefionsvej 8 B • 3400 Hillerød • e-mail: srservice@srsmultiservice.dk • Tlf.: +45 7174 5858

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